
SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion(三):段与段之间的逻辑!

邹世辉 研之成理 2021-12-21

撰文:邹世辉   所属专栏:SCI论文写作实验室


    上一期内容中,我们主要介绍了Results & Discussion中句与句之间的逻辑关系今天接着来分享一下Results & Discussion里面段与段之间的逻辑关系问题,希望对大家有所帮助。同时再次邀请对写作感兴趣的,愿意分享自己心得和经验的朋友加入我们(rationalscience@163.com),共同繁荣这个版块,谢谢!




    参考文献:Science, 2010, 328, 342-345. 来自埃默里大学Craig L.Hill课题组。熟悉OER领域,特别是分子OER催化剂(均相催化剂)领域的朋友应该对他不陌生,这篇论文算是他的成名作之一,论文第一次提出了Carbon-Free的全无机多金属氧酸盐(POM),解决了传统分子OER催化剂的不稳定性问题。



  • 论文第六段第一句:Aqueous cobalt ions and cobalt hydroxide/oxides that form in situ from the former are both known to be WOCs. Thus, we now describe seven lines of experimental evidence that 1 is a stable molecular WOC under turnover conditions and does not form either aqueous cobalt ions or cobalt hydroxide/oxide. 总述怎样来证实这个问题,本段后面的内容还包括两个证据

  • 论文第七段第一句:The third experimental probe of the stability of 1 involved selective catalyst poisoning experiments using 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) as an inhibitor.(开门见山,告诉别人这一段是讨论第三个实验证据,与前一段的总述以及前两个证据有个承接关系

  • 论文第八段第一句:For our fourth probe of the stability of 1, we characterized the postreaction solution containing 1 by using 31P NMR despite the low solubility of 1 in the presence of excess [Ru(bpy)3]2+.(第四个实验证据)

  • 论文第九段第一句:The fifth and sixth experimental probes of the stability of 1 involved IR characterization and reuse of the WOC after an initial catalytic run, which we carried out under conditions scaled up by a factor of 19 relative to run 1 in Table 2. (第五和第六个实验证据

  • 论文第十段第一句:The seventh argument for the stability of 1 during catalysis is voltammetric behavior demonstrating that catalytic activity of the active species is retained after turnover. (第七个实验证据

  • 论文第十一段第一句:Computational studies of the electronic structure of 1 provide additional support for the oxidative stability of the polytungstate ligands. (氧化稳定性




    参考文献:Catal. Sci. Technol.,2014, 4,441–446 。出自浙大化学系范杰教授课题组,第一作者为刘娟娟博士。

  • R&D部分第一段第一句: X-Ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of the samples were carried out to determine whether the nanoparticles consisted of a mixture of nanoparticles or an alloy. (材料结构表征的核心:是否alloy)

  • R&D部分第二段第一句: To further confirm the alloy structure, HRTEM and line-scanning analysis were employed.(further confirm与第一段紧密联系起来

  • R&D部分第三段第一句:The XPS analysis was carried out to study the surface components of PtPd metallic nanoparticles on m-SiO2.(体相讨论完了之后,表面结构分析,在上两段的基础上进一步分析

  • R&D部分第四段第一句:The sol –gel approach exhibits excellent advantages in the regulation of the alloy composition. (在确定单一组成的结构之后,提出组成调控的概念,更进一步)

  • R&D部分第五段第一句:Since the relative amount of each constituent metal in the BMNPs could modify the electronic state of the primary catalytic component and tune the binding properties for intermediate species during the reaction, composition regulation could lead to optimized catalytic performance of BMNPs. (在指出组分调控之后,提出催化性能的优化,将结构与性能联系起来,再进一步,关键词composition regulation体现了与上一段的承接关系

  • R&D部分第六段第一句:Besides regulation of the alloy composition, we also tuned the loading concentration of the Pt/Pd nanoparticles. (在讨论完组成调控之后,继续讨论负载浓度的影响。关键词alloy composition以及连接词besides都在逻辑关系的体现中有作用

  • R&D部分第七段第一句:The approach is special as it not only regulates the composition of the alloy effectively, but it also facilities the control of the compositional parameter of the oxide supports.(前面都是讨论活性组分PdPt的结构性能,第七段通过这样的一句话转到了oxide support,连接词not only,but also 很关键,体现了与前面内容的逻辑关系

  • R&D部分第八段第一句:Apart from this, we can also synthesize composite metal oxide supports by introducing another homogeneously distributed component, which may promote improved catalytic performance. (采用Apart from this进行连接,与上一段的逻辑关系就体现出来了


    好的论文能够在逻辑上引导读者按照你的行文思路进行思考,这样能够让读者从你的角度来理解你的研究。而严密的逻辑关系是让文章得到读者和审稿人认可的关键,这种逻辑关系在句与句之间,段与段之间都需要注意。Results & Discussion部分暂时先分享到这里。具体R&D里面各个部分如何写,请大家查看SCI论文写作实验室的“细说表征”模块,里面有很多表征手段描述的句型模板,希望能够帮助到大家!


1. SCI论文写作的三重境界

2. What makes a good publication? :从文章结构开始谈起

3. 题好一半文:Science, Nature的论文标题是什么样子的?

4. 好话不说第二遍:论文写作中的重述语意 

5. SCI论文写作(五): 写论文一定要有提纲 

6. What makes a good publication? :从文章结构开始谈起

7. SCI论文写作之Experimental section(一)

8. SCI论文写作之Experimental section(二)

9. SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion(一)

10. SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion(二):句与句之间的逻辑!




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